Appreciate the painting you have created for yourself called art that is your life.Read more
Appreciate the painting you have created for yourself called art that is your life.Read more
Move forward in the directions of your passion.Read more
Adventure expands your mind and sense of appreciation. ItalyRead more
Get a new perspective. Look at life differently and a new solution with appear. Read more
Want to be heard..well look them in the eye and speak up.Read more
Life is short and wonderful. Enjoy and celebrate. No complaints allowed. Inspiration speaker Donna Hartley learned the hard way.Read more
On March 1st Donna Hartley was the last survivor in her section of a DC-10 plane crash and her spiritual search began with the help of her mentor. Great read Amazon.Read more
Faith is sometimes all you have. Take that leap of faith.Read more
Wow, life is beautiful. Look for it and see the learning opportunities every day.Read more
My wake-up call came on March 1st when I survived a plane crash. I am grateful to be alive are you!Read more