Eliminate iffy words..so, maybe, someday….use descriptive and power words..effective, creative and durable.Read more
Eliminate iffy words..so, maybe, someday….use descriptive and power words..effective, creative and durable.Read more
Eye contact is one of the most important parts of a presentation, looking at your audience for just three seconds improves their connection to you, and your connection with them. Keep your connection with your audience and they’ll listen more closely and retain more of the information you share! -LilyRead more
When giving a speech, you should come out from behind that podium! Even if it’s just a step to the side, if you want to connect with your audience you have to take that wall down! If you’re behind the podium, all they can see is a talking head, and a presentation is judged 55%Read more
Your audience is rooting for you. They want to benefit from what you have to say. Practice your speech standing up. Record yourself, play it back, and have friends or family critique you. Take deep breaths and realize that nervousness is normal. The secret to giving an excellent speech is to commit, prepare, and rehearse.Read more
Whether you’re speaking to 5 or 5,000 people, preparation, presentation, and persuasion are the key ingredients you need to include to make your speech effective. Your audience will judge your presentation within 30 seconds—studies show that 55% of it is judged by your body language; 38% by the quality of your voice; and 7% byRead more