Speak up and be yourself! Don’t hide behind behind your mask. Go design the life you deserve!Read more
Speak up and be yourself! Don’t hide behind behind your mask. Go design the life you deserve!Read more
You determine your happiness. Appreciate the flowers!Read more
Whether you’re speaking to 5 or 5,000 people, preparation, presentation, and persuasion are the key ingredients you need to include to make your speech effective. Your audience will judge your presentation within 30 seconds—studies show that 55% of it is judged by your body language; 38% by the quality of your voice; and 7% byRead more
You’re ready for spring, and to move forward with new ideas! It’s finally April! But suddenly, a snowstorm hits and you have to go back and rethink. That’s just life, you sometimes have to go backwards in order to move on.Read more
Meditation is a calm state of relaxation that creates spiritual and physical well-being. Begin by meditating three times a week for ten or fifteen minutes at a time. Once the process becomes more natural, you will want to meditate more often to help release stress and restore energy. To begin, turn off all the distractionsRead more
Dream and act, also appreciate the flowers along the way.Read more
When the sun comes up, it reveals everything in a new light. Change your attitude, change your life! (Squaw Valley, USA)Read more
Have your inner and outer beauty match, if you only have beauty on the outside, then you’re not a whole person. When your beauty comes from the inside, that is when you truly radiate! Take a lesson from mother nature, go deep inside yourself, like a tree, and then blossom!Read more
Be responsible for your thoughts and actions. Love and accept yourself everyday and dare to be yourself.Read more