Weather the storms in you life just like this tree.Then wait for blue skies and sunshine. Squaw Valley, CARead more
Weather the storms in you life just like this tree.Then wait for blue skies and sunshine. Squaw Valley, CARead more
Use your creative mind and presence to make a mark and standout.Read more
Values are your beliefs. They determine the way you think, and the choices you make. They are not materialistic things like new cars, jewelry, vacations, or designer labels. The values you choose should honor and inspire your spirit. Love, security, health, and family are important values to many people. You can also focus on spiritualRead more
Confidence is earned from the learning lessons you experience. It helps to define your actual purpose and supported by your values. It’s the building block to success and the cement that keeps you from giving up. Like life, your confidence can experience highs and lows. Confidence is the belief in your own abilities to succeed.Read more
After a storm in your life, become aware of the clarity, inner peace and vision. The world looks and is different. Why? Because the storm was in your life to enlighten you with depth and wisdom. Squaw Valley, USARead more
Mariah SnowFest Queen I dread March 1st . Every year the looming date of March 1st fills me with massive fear. Why? *On March 1, 1978 – survived a fiery DC-10 plane crash that transformed her life in seconds. *On March 1, 2002 – was diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma. *On March 1, 2006 –Read more
What could you possibly do after having survived a DC-10 plane crash, being diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma and having had open heart surgery for an aortic valve replacement … all on March 1st of different years? Would you consider the date a coincidence or a life lesson? What are your thoughts?Read more
Three times I faced death… survived a DC-10 plane crash, being diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma and now I had to have open heart surgery for an aortic valve replacement … on another March 1. Three: Spiritual awareness is heightened from challenges, but does it have to be a live- or- die situation? For meRead more
Two I survived a DC-10 plane crash on a March 1 and move forward in time and I was diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma on another March 1st . Melanoma. My fears consumed me. I was going to die. I was going to leave my six year old daughter behind with no one to raise her.Read more
*On March 1, 1978 – survived a fiery DC-10 plane crash that transformed her life in seconds. *On March 1, 2002 – was diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma. *On March 1, 2006 – triumphed over unexpected open heart surgery to replace a faulty aortic valve One: From each experience I had to grow and learn.Read more